Johnny Bee Lager
A passionate hobby brewer, Johnny sought to elevate his craft by creating unique beer flavours.
His initial idea was to develop a bacon-flavoured beer.
After further brainstorming and research, we expanded the concept to include two additional flavours: Original and Hemp.
To enhance the distinctiveness of these beers, we designed labels that complemented the different coloured glass bottles, ensuring the product stood out on the shelf.
We also created a series of advertisements that emphasized the unique visual appeal of the bottle colours.
Inspired by the feedback we received, where some described the beer as “different” and others as “refreshing,” we combined these sentiments into a compelling tagline.
Tragically, Johnny passed away in 2015 and did not achieve the recognition he truly deserved. His creativity and passion continue to inspire us, and he is deeply missed by all who know him.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametcon sectetur adipisicing elit, sed
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